Read-a-thon Preparation
I’m printing out my list of “Currently Reading” books from my LibraryThing Catalog. My goal tomorrow is to reduce the size of this list (currently at 15 books). I’ll start my day at 7am with tea and the Morning Prayer service (which I read from a downloaded pdf file) and Daniel Berrigan’s Uncommon prayer: a book of Psalms. Later in the day I’ll be working on reading/reviewing a new book by Elaine Aron called The Undervalued Self (received through the LibraryThing Early Reviewers program). Patricia Cornwell’s Scarpetta will spice things up when I need a change. Also have the latest chapter from The Woman in White which I’m reading in weekly installments from
I may download an audio book just in case my eyes get tired, probably something by Willa Cather from or
Another little twist: I have three books on Jazz Violin that actually include music as well as essays, so I may do a little playing (which will count as reading, because “sight reading” music is reading 🙂
Enough of a preview for now. Keep checking back.
Oh no! I haven’t even started and I found 3 more books I need to add to “Currently Reading” (now up to 18). They are cookbooks, so not books I’ll read from cover-to-cover, but I’ve borrowed them from the library, so need to work through enough to see if they are worth buying. At least they will provide a bit of variety!
I like reading cookbooks too! They spark many ideas 🙂 Have a wonderful day! I’ll be checking back in with you to see how it’s going.