Dewey’s Read-a-Thon, April 10, 2010
I’ve signed up to participate in a 24-hour-read-a-thon beginning this Saturday, April 10 at 7 am CDT. I will admit from the outset that, as a person with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, I have no intention/hope of staying up for 24 hours reading. But the website indicates that sleeping is allowed, so I will do my best to read-nap-read-nap, etc.
My goal is to work through my huge pile of “currently reading” books and perhaps some of The New Yorker pile as well (have to check the rules on books vs. magazines).
Check back here for updates on my progress . . . (the idea is to read & then blog about it).
I’ll let you decide which of these images best represents your image of me during the read-a-thon 🙂

A. Easy Chair

B. Multitasking

C. Kitchen

D. None of the Above
On the day of the read-a-thon, I will change my settings to allow comments to appear immediately (rather than having to wait for moderation). Though if I end up with lots of spam comments, I’ll change it back.
I’ll be doing the read-nap-read-nap thing as well. Happy Reading on Saturday!
Image C, definitely. 😀
Nap-read-nap-read-nap-read…. this differs from our other days how, exactly?
I am a stranger to the Dewey Read-a-Thon. This may be obvious, but please post what you are reading so we know what to “cheer” about!
Thanks for the encouragement everyone.
@Betsy–You obviously haven’t seen me in a while 🙂
@David: You can see a list of the 14 books I’m currently reading (plus 800 other books in my library) at: Lucinda’s LibraryThing Catalog
I’m totally impressed. You go . . .
Between my sneezes from my first cold in years, I can see you in each position, sort of. I see you in an easy chair, but with the cat on lap, helping, and nowhere like the silk and lace. As for the multitasking, ya, but with all that deco style. . .? And then the kitchen, sure, but the bikini just does not work, even at 60 degrees F. Hang in there. At least it’s not Lactantius!